Dr. M. Sahinoglu
Dr. M. Sahinoglu holds a B.S. from METU, Ankara and M.S. from UMIST, England, both in EE, and his Ph.D. from Texas A&M jointly in ECE and Statistics. He is a Fellow of SDPS (The Society of Design and Process Science), a Senior Member in IEEE, members of AFCEA, ACM, and ASA, elected members of ISI, IASC and TIE (Turkish Institute of Statistics) He originated jointly the “Sahinoglu – Libby (SL) pdf” with David Libby in 1981, “Compound Poisson Software Reliability Model”(1992) and “Compound Poisson Stopping Rule Algorithm” (1997) in cost-effective software testing, and recently “The Security-Meter” (2005) to quantify risk. Dr. Sahinoglu is currently researching on the Reliability, Security and Privacy Modeling of Hardware & Software Systems, and writing a text book on Trustworthy Computing (TWC) Concepts. He is a 2006 Microsoft Research Scholar on TWC Curriculum, one of 14 awardees around the globe. He has written 25 jounal papers, nearly 100 refereed proceedings and technical reports, and has been the PI of 10 national (in Turkey) and 5 international (United Nations, Economic Commission of Europe and USA) technical grants on the subject of system reliability and security. Dr. Sahinoglu is a published author of 3 creative (social & travel memoirs) books in Turkish, and two technical books (class-notes on Random Number Generation/Simulation and Stochastic Processes in English), and will be publishing his new book titled “Trustworthy Computing: Analytical and Quantititave Engineering Evaluation” with a CD-ROM: T*Solver all in June 2007 by J. Wiley & Sons. Currently he is holding the Eminent Scholar positon of the Alabama Commission on Higher Education (ACHE) and serving as the Head of the School of Computer Science in Montgomery campus of the Troy University located at the Gunter/Maxwell AFB in Montgomery , Alabama, USA.