Dr. Mehmet Aksit
Dr. Mehmet Aksit holds an M.Sc. degree from the Eindhoven University of Technology and a Ph.D. degree from the University of Twente. Currently, he is working as a full professor at the Department of Computer Science, University of Twente and affiliated with the institute Centre for Telematics and Information Technology. He is the head of the Software Engineering chair and the leader of the Twente Research and Education on Software Engineering (TRESE) Group. He has served as the program co-chair of several conferences and symposia, such as ECOOP’97, SACT’00, HQSAD’00, NoD’02 and AOSD2003. He has been serving as a program committee member of various international conferences and he was the tutorial chair of the ECOOP’92 conference and the organizing chair of the AOSD’02 conference. Since 1988, he has been serving as a reviewer of various European projects.
He has given more than 100 international and in-company courses and conference tutorials mainly in the Netherlands, but also in Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United States. Mehmet Aksit has been the user and developer of object-oriented systems since 1983. Later, in the end of 80’s, he started to work on firstly, software composition techniques and later, on aspect-oriented software engineering. He has been involved in designing architectures for several large industrial projects. He and the TRESE group were among the pioneers of the following techniques.
Since 1988, the TRESE group has developed, probably the first aspect-oriented language called Sina, which has later evolved into Composition Filters. The group has organized the first Aspect-Oriented Software Development conference (AOSD2002) and Aksit is the co-editor of the first aspect-oriented journal. Since begining of the 90’s, the TRESE group has developed synthesis based architecture/software design, which adopts controlled problem solving techniques in designing software architectures. Since 1994, the TRESE group has applied, probably for the first time, fuzzy-logic based techniques to modeling software design heuristics and processes. Since 1997, the TRESE group has been developing new design formalisms called Design Algebra for managing large design spaces.