Prof. Dr. Bernd J. Krämer

Dr. Bernd J.  Krämer is a professor emeritus in Computer Science with FernUniversität in Hagen, Germany, and a co-founder and chairman of the Scientific Academy for Service Technology (ServTech). He also co-founded, a non-profit association promoting a networked educational resource sharing platform. He is a board member and past president of the Society for Design & Process Science. He has been a guest professor of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, UC Berkeley, and McGill University in Montreal, Canada, and an adjunct professor of Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, Australia, Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California, and Monash University in Melbourne. He has been an Advisor to the European Commission, the state government of North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany, and an IT Consultant and board member of corporations in Germany and abroad. As a member of the expert group Intelligent Education Networks, he has been advising the German Federal Government on digital education issues for years until he resigned in 2020.

He obtained his diploma and doctorate in computer science from the Technical University of Berlin. His long-term research interests include distributed software systems engineering, safety-related software, service-oriented and cloud computing, and formal methods. Since 1993 he was involved in large EU projects. More recently, his research focusses on smart technologies in manufacturing and healthcare pursued, e.g., in the EU Framework 7 Integrated Project IMAGINE (Innovative End-to-end Management of Dynamic Manufacturing Networks, 2011-2014), the EU Horizon 2020 project ICP4Life (An Integrated Collaborative Platform for Managing the Product-Service Engineering Lifecycle –, 2015-2018), and the EU-funded Horizon 2020 project Monitoring Multidimensional Aspects of Quality of Life after Cancer Immuno-Therapy (QUALITOP –, 2020-2024).

He has published extensively on his research topics, including several books including two textbooks and nearly 200 book chapters and articles in scholarly journals and peer reviewed conference proceedings. articles, and about 80 refereed articles in scholarly conference proceedings. Further he co-edited four journal issues and 11 books and conference proceedings. The latter include “Information Systems Interoperability³, published by Research Studies, UK (1998); the proceedings of the “18th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems” (1998) and the “Third International Symposium on Software Engineering for Parallel and Distributed Systems” (1998); and “Safety-Critical Real-Time Systems”, Kluwer Academic Publishers (1997). He was editor in chief of the Journal of Integrated Design and Process Sciences and the open access journal e-learing & education, which he co-founded in 2007. He was on the editorial board of the Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (World Scientific), the High Integrity Systems Journal, and “Innovations in Systems & Software Engineering” (Springer).

Dr. Krämer’s University Page,  Home Page, and Wikipedia Page.